Our Legal


Based on data from Deed Number 02 dated March 3, 2023 made by Notary Martina Yulistyani, S.H., M.Kn. that CV KERTA ANUCARA is registered in the Business Entity Administration System in Indonesia as official company of the trade mark ANUCARA HOME DECO (www.anucaraid.com)

-Data identification

• Company Name: CV. KERTA ANUCARA

• Registered office: Merpati 2B Street Number 57 Pondok Baru Asri, Gentan Village, Baki District, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java, Indonesia

• Email address: hello@anucaraid.com / anucara.homedeco@gmail.com

This information corresponds to and governs the terms of use, limitations of liability and obligations that users of the web page published under the domain name www.anucaraid.com 

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