
Gosa The 3 in 1 Wooden Vase

these artifacts are authentic pieces, handcrafted from solid wood by skilled artisans from indigenous communities. Each artifact is one-of-a-kind, with its own distinct features and characteristics that represent the culture and traditions of the tribe that created it.

SKU: ANCR-SCL-007-MRCL Categories: , , , , ,


Material : Solid Wood

Finishing : White Wash / Paint Wash (Color on demand)

Diameter : 100 mm

Height : 300 mm | 250 mm | 200 mm

3 In 1 Set

Production : Yogyakarta


    • Firstly please clean this statue from dust regularly with water soaked cloth, wipe it gently.
    • Gently brush the surface with wet soaped medium smooth brush to remove the dirty marks.
    • To preserve the natural color please avoid direct sunlight or weather
    • for further question about care and maintain please feel free to contact us 

Additional information

Dimensions 22 × 22 × 35 cm
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